a vitrile and unhollow induction to the aeon flex

the aeon flex, much like the amyl kazyl, are mere elements of our very own psyche at their core. two dichotomies of my implicitive coin-toss that spins endlessly in superposition, these are the energy source and the generator at once. without either I would totally collapse, ceasing to exist all together.... but hey, whadda I know? I'm just a nut on the side of the road, flying a sign that reads: "help me find and violently make love to my one and only j-shaped alien lover!"


do you respect us now, earth-man? before you wonder- yes- we fashioned the circle shooter from scratch.

WE h4v3 cR4pht3d many SUCh 7ooLz. ! t]-[I|\|k tha7 ;4Y aNd dea|) g1RL maY 83 t\/\/0 0ph d4 m0st 1gng3nI()US man!@cz ()n d4 P14n37. 47 0|\|3 Po|Nt, They bEc4me S() k10Z3 tH47 t]-[3y \/\/3R3 gn34rlY d4 Sam3 3]\[TIty. aL4z, 4gn63r StrUcc ;4Y aNd pR3yE|) 0]\[ HYz phE4rz... HE pR0jectED 7HE]\/[, d34d g1rL 4Z H|s OUTL37, H|z pU]\[Hcin6 84g... T0 THiS d4Y S]-[3 Rem4Yns 8Y ]-[!S s|D3. w|lL zH3 b3 m4De d4 fO01, on1y T() 83 huRt 4n|) |)IZkrEd!7eD 0\/ER 4gn|) 0vER aGA1N? ()R WYll j@y fin4LlY GYV3 h3r d4 10\/e, reZP3kT, pR()73cTIon tH4T Sh3 D3S3RveZ?   




{i love you}

this is exactly what we looked like in this moment. fluttering in and out of the 3D and into the 5th, ah what a taste the sound of us made. 



however you may find yourself, sprawled before me perhaps, I must inform you of one thing only on this day. shoplifting is the most incredible invisibility of a cultural ripple that nobody freaking talks about. go out and bounce off a few large lp gangstalkers at your local Walmart and you'll see what I mean. now THAT is what sports should be. 

what did you come here for, anyways? i doubt i'll use this internet access point for much longer but in case i do, don't ever forget me. i saw five men die this month alone, death haunts me as usual, i clutch onto my dearest love as hard as life can hold it. if i am to lose him, i feel as if i would lose myself the most. we speak a language known only to ourselves and we speak it damn well. i cant see a life without him- i just wish he would learn to communicate without violence or abandonment. i fully blame the ones who abandoned him first.